Big eCommerce companies don’t just sell; They do Branding. The physical experience is not at the hand of consumers in eCommerce. But the logo, look and feel of the packaging, website design, and content attracts the eyeballs of consumers and they retain the experience of these elements while shopping.
You might catechize about how to build a brand for an eCommerce business, so here you go:
Understand your customers: Before understanding other things, understand and analyze your target audience. The target audience’s consumer buying behavior is influenced by personal, psychological, and social factors. To identify these factors, think about, what are your customer’s preferences? What they think and feel about you and your competitors?
Define your brand persona: A brand persona is the personality of your business that is the outcome of all the customer’s experiences with the brand. A brand persona can be a person, object, character or mascot, image. It will be strongly influenced by the insights you manage to gather about your target customers like the tone of voice and image that will attract consumer attention.
Crystallize your brand promise: A brand promise should define the entire business and should touch every aspect of the company. It’s an experience customers can expect to receive every single time they interact with the business. Nike’s brand promise is to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. The ultimate promise should entitle how easy a customer’s life will be with the use of a brand and its optimized delivery. In short, it is WHAT YOU DO FOR WHOM.
Perfect your visual assets: Online shopping is the new way people are shopping but touching and feeling the products is not possible. A brand’s front-facing visual assets are website design, font, color palette, logo design, ad designs, packaging design. Research shows that having a perfect color will increase the chance of brand recognition by 80%.
Refine customer experience: Although brands have little control over how their customers will ultimately feel about a brand, a brand should do its best to make sure every interaction and touchpoint with customers is in line with the brand promise. The best experience is given by “knowing your customer”. This consists of everything from return policies to shipping arrangements to marketing communications.
Remember to give back: The simplest way to touch the customer’s heart might be as simple as saying thank you to strengthen brand image. To show gratitude, brands can run loyalty programs, give promotional offers, or occasional free gifts. It’s an infallible way to build loyal customers and edify brands.
The brand is not only your logo, website, or business card; it’s an experience. Make your Brand worth an experience to outshine the competitors in the field of eCommerce.