We all think that email marketing is dead. But did you know that by the end of 2021, the number of email users worldwide is expected to reach 4.1 billion.
Because of your personal experiences, such as filtering, archiving, swiping left, labeling as spam, and so on, email marketing might feel like a waste of time to us. Now consider your favorite brands whose emails you look forward to receiving or whose products you appreciate, those are the emails that never make it to the bottom of your inbox.
Yes, some buyers just make one purchase or display a single click-through. Still, new and returning consumers want to connect with your email campaigns and hear from you – whether it’s because they enjoy your content or because you send them promotional emails, they’ll keep coming back. Let’s face it, who wouldn’t like to save 15% on their purchase? Emails can create engaging experiences which would not only help in winning potential customers but also win back past customers.
Here are some top reasons why email marketing is important and how it boosts sales :
1. Stay in Contact with the Audience
Emails can help you remain in touch with your consumers. Consumers have the ability to check their email whenever it suits them. It may make them feel valued and give them the feeling that you are thinking about them. The email might simply state, “Hi, we’re thinking about you, here’s a fantastic offer!” or “Here’s a rundown of what’s been going on around here in recent weeks.”Those who have subscribed to your email list have already agreed to receive these messages. So they’ll probably appreciate these emails (as long as you provide them something worth reading), and it’ll increase consumer engagement.
2. Email Marketing is Easy to Measure
Most email marketing tools offer the ability to track what happens after you have sent out your email campaign. Delivery rates, bounce rates, unsubscribe rates, click-through rates, and open rates may all be tracked. This provides you a better idea of how your email campaigns are doing and which ones need to be tweaked or eliminated entirely. And these metrics play an important role when it comes to internet marketing. Although sending too many emails to customers who don’t want more than one per week, on the other hand, will raise your unsubscribe rate. It all comes down to getting to know your consumers and offering useful material.
3. It is Affordable
Yes, we all know that email marketing is one of the affordable ways of marketing. It costs around less than a penny for each message, you may reach a big number of customers. With email marketing’s low cost per (potential) conversion, I’m not sure why every firm doesn’t participate or engage more frequently. So, while there is a large return on investment, it would be a good idea to hire someone to handle these efforts.
4. Increases Brand Visibility
We all think that social media only possess the power to boost brand visibility, but that’s not true. Email marketing has also helped the brand in boosting their awareness positively. Having a customer’s or prospect’s email address indicates that they are interested in your company. By being top of mind, email marketing allows you to enhance that degree of interest and brand recognition. This does not imply that you should send four daily emails to each and every consumer, this might make your customer dislike you. Instead of selling brands should focus more on creating brand awareness this would help in enhancing customer trust and loyalty. Apart from that, it adds a personality to the brand.
5. Allows Targeted Messaging
Let’s speak about the importance of email marketing in terms of lead nurturing – often known as email lead marketing. The key point is that your potential clients are at various phases of the purchasing process. Some are in the consideration stage, while others are in the research and comparison stage, and yet others are ready to buy. Buyer personas may assist you in determining what type of content to generate for each phase. Businesses can more effectively target these categories by segmenting these consumers into relevant email marketing lists. Customers want knowledge to progress to the next step of the purchase cycle, and the proper content may help them do so. It’s all about pushing these leads down your sales funnel.
Hence, these reasons suffice why one should use email marketing. But, apart from these, there are some other benefits as well like helping customers reach real-time as more and more customers are using their handsets to access not only mails but other information as well. And we all know the importance of well-designed emails, they tend to have higher conversion rates. Not only this people also engage with personalized emails and the list goes on.
Hence, according to a HubSpot survey, 91% of customers use email. That alone should persuade you to investigate email marketing. Unless your sector makes up the other 9% (hint: it doesn’t), email is a fantastic way to communicate with consumers. You may not only send them discounts, special offers, new goods, and other information, but they can also share and forward those emails to whomever they choose. Especially when it comes to the Business to business category.
So, all the hustlers make sure to try email marketing or contact us for the same.